“While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” So after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them off.”
“We fast because it helps to give us balance in life. It makes us more keenly sensitive to the whole of life so that we’re not so obsessed by our consumer mentality.”

How Should I Fast?
We recognize there are a variety of factors that impact our physical and mental ability to fast, that is why there are many ways to participate in these 21 days. Ultimately, what is most important are our motives. Not that we went hungry, that we attended prayer meetings or that we “did it” – our motivations are to follow Jesus in his example and pursue the transforming presence of God. Below are examples of how you can participate in fasting;
1 Day per Week Committing to setting aside one day (24hrs) per week where fast from all food except water
1 Meal per Day Committing to fast from all food except water, eating only one meal per day,
6 Days per Week Committing to fast from all food except water, eating on only one day per week
21 Days of Fasting Committing to fast from all food except water for 21 days (its is recommend that you consult with a physician prior to committing to 21 days of complete fasting)
“Daniel” Fast (Daniel 1:8-20) Committing to fast from meats, breads and sweets for 21 days, only consuming water, fruits and vegetables.
Frequently Asked Questions
Pursuing the presence of God through fasting and prayer increases a hunger in us for more of him and less of the world, preparing us for what he has in store – knowing further Gospel Transformation for Greater Portland is ahead!
Followers of Jesus who desire to encounter the Presence of God in their everyday lives. We highly encourage fasting and praying together in small groups over the course of the fast.
We are setting aside food for an extended period of time to focus on prayer, reading the Word and listening for the voice of God in our lives.
We will start on January 1st, gathering for prayer and worship as we journey together over the course of 21 days. Prayer gatherings at The Point will be Tuesday evenings at 6pm and Thursday mornings at 6am.