We gather together Sundays at 9 & 11am
Let’s admit it: walking through the doors of a church for the first time can be daunting. We believe no matter your past or your present, your pain or brokenness, Jesus can save, heal, and lead you to a life of freedom. We’re a diverse family with many different ages; from newborns to grandparents, young adults to empty nesters, and a variety of different cultures.
If this is your first time visiting us we encourage you to put your hazard lights on as you pull into the parking lot and our incredible roadie team will lead you to a reserved parking spot.
Yes, please come dressed.
Seriously though, we’re a come as you are family. Those who wear suits or dress nicely do so because they like to wear that, not because they’re expected to.
Services typically last 75 minutes. Each week we open with a time of praise and worship music, followed by prayer. We then move into a message by one of our teaching pastors who will bring a thought provoking and engaging message. We typically end with some sort of action step that we can all take together as followers of Jesus and then close in worship. After service, we encourage everyone to connect with one another on the turf or in the cafe, head to our designated areas to receive prayer or head over to THE HUB and get signed up for a group or serve team.
Yes! We offer children’s services at both 9am and 11am for children from 6 months old to 5th grade. When you arrive through the front doors, look to the right and you will see a big children’s check in sign. Make your way over and check in at the new family registration booth. You will receive a check in tag and be led to your children’s classrooms. Check in begins and ends 15 minutes before and after the start time of the service time.
Students in grades 6-12 are welcome in our 9 and 11am services! Our Eastpoint Students also meet on Sunday nights from 5-7pm throughout the school year. Visit the Students page to see what’s happening!
The best place to get all your questions answered is by going to THE HUB, located on the turf on Sunday mornings. Here you will find staff members and volunteers who will be able to answer questions, get you signed up into a group, sign you up for a serve team and much more. Connecting into community is vital here at Eastpoint and we encourage you to stop by and find out where and how that looks for you.
There sure is!!! We have an ASL interpreter during our 9am service. They are located at the front right of the platform, so make sure to get there a little early to reserve your spots.
Listen, we understand that stepping into this building with a lot of people can be intimidating and overwhelming and you may feel like you don’t know where to begin. We highly encourage you to talk to someone at THE HUB (a place where you can find answers to all your questions) on the turf. Also, filling out a connect card will let us know that you were here, that you would like to get connected and learn more, and how we can be praying for you.
Connect Card
Once you’re in your seat, you’ll see a card in the seat pocket in front of you. We’d love for you to fill out that card and bring it to one of the many connect card boxes located throughout the auditorium. You can also fill one out online!